Nov 15, 2002 11:58
..because I am you
God I felt sick today.
I went to school today, naturally. Problem was I felt like crap. I got up late, didn't print out the homework I had done because of the late timing, and sauntered in there with a friggen fever.
They wouldn't even take a look at me.. I was sent down to the nurse by two separate teachers. Both times I had been turned away without so much as a temperature check. That really pissed me off.
I spent 15 minutes in the bathroom missing the period before lunch trying to coax my mother into taking me home. "Unless I get a call from the school.." Oh yeah, that was gonna happen. I went to class, got yelled at. Same old, same old.
Rest of the day at school, to be honest, wasn't that bad. I was able to slip out of class at the last period to which I had no homework. The following before then I did in that class.
After school I was taken to the doctors by my mother. According to them I have a little flu virus. Nothing major, which was a good thing. However, I'm getting blood work tomorrow. Unless I'm the one inflicting the pain on myself, I am not happy with it. In other words, I hate shots.
Eh, but a couple hours later I got to see Harry Potter. Yep, it was opening day today. I went in there thinking it'd suck, but in all actually, it wasn't that bad. Sadistic, banshee-sounding toilet ghosts and a masochistic house elf. Ahh.. what more can you want in a movie?
Finally came home and am about to go to sleep. Called Scott and talked to him for a bit, got off the phone with him and called Cody and Joe. Cody stays over Joe's house every weekend following two weeks. They're going deer hunting tomorrow. Joy.
Didn't get time alone to talk to Joe, he had fallen asleep by the time I had called. It's understandable, they've got to be up at 4:30 tomorrow. Oh well.
I can't really rate this day as good, bad, or between - It really was all of that. So, feh, it was a day, I lived it. End of story.