Victor's feeling quite festive -- it's been a good year for him. As such, he has some presents he'll be getting to the proper places:
For John (
hart_on_sleeve), there's a book he's found on various "weird places" around the globe. John likes to travel, after all -- might as well go someplace interesting. As for Alina, she gets a picture book.
For April (
slayers_desire), he has a nice white heart-shaped picture frame. He figures she can use it for a nice picture of her and Clark.
For Alisa (
enigmassweet), there's something from both him and Alice -- a nice box of high-quality chocolate. It appears that when he's a little unsure, Victor follows his sweet tooth.
As for his other friends, Doc's getting a saxophone (he mentioned once he played); Marty's getting a VHS of Huey Lewis music videos; Alice is getting a blue stuffed cat Victor painted to look like Cheshire (complete with grin); and Dee is getting a remote-controlled car (irony?).
(And there's other stuff for anyone else who thinks a gift-exchange is appropriate -- the mun just sucks a bit at remembering everyone she plays with. ^^;)