"If the sky should open its eyes
and cry from up above
let's shed some tears of joy
and fall in loooooooooooooooove!"
yay! Dresden Dolls and Ditty Bops tonight. I'm beyond excited. Taylor...you better be able to go!!!!!!!!
ok. well i got some pictures developed out of this disposable camera i've had for quite a while.
the tee and ess show was so rad. Off the Record free shows are awesome!
Dan..waiting..for it to start?
aren't they too cute? it was so much fun.
John sucks. Joe Blows. John and Joe for homecoming court!
me and taylor all spiffed up.
awwwwwwwwww. ♥
Steve side one.
Steve side two.
Chris on dress-up day. i wish i got a picture of us as ninja turtles...that better be in the yearbook.
my roses from Dan. thank you again, lover. :)
meghann and i. "ok..let's do an attitude one." ...where's her 'tude face? haha. oh well..it turned out funny.
the end.
you wanna hear some crazy shizznit? I made Winter Formal Court. yeah. im still a bit confused about that. hm.
welllllllll.......thanksgiving is next week. and as our family crumbles...it looks like it might be a fend-for-yourself-type-meal/day. at least we get four days off from school! sweeeeeeeeeeeeeeet.
ok..well i guess i'll jump in the tub.