well now that i found this shit i can actually defend myself cuz this is fucking bullshit one thing people do change ok an di did grow up ok "im not mad at him i think that he just has this huge issue with not meeting other peoples standards he cant even enjoy what he really likes to do.... so idk i think he needs to grow up" and what the fuck? i should live up to othere people's standards? you all know me better than that since when have i lived up to other people's standards i live up to my own, ok? not yours, britts, melody,s, mike d,s ir rich's not anyones not jesues,s elvis only mine and i think it's perrty fuckin shady that you all feel the need to talk shit when you know i dont have a stupid livejournal someone told me people were tlaking shit so i found it, and yes i love working on cars and sleeping cuz work is fucking gay i love my firends , cars, and ice cream cake, as long as im doing what makes me happy then what is everyone's deal hey at least im not a fucking heroin addict i dont mean to sound like a dick im not mad at anyone you all had your say now i had mine to clear some shit up and i hope this dosent blow up in to something it's not ....i probibly should have said this earlyier dont read this in a angry tone thats why i hate internet shit becuase words mean diffrent thing when said in a diffrent tone this is a concerned informatiuonl mood now read it again :) - Rob fucking asshole -
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