Title: Meet me halfway
SlowdeadPairing: Bradley/Colin Merlin RPS
Rating: pg
Genre: Highschool AU, angst?, fluff
Disclaimer: This never ever happened, boys belong to themselves and I'm not making any money with this.
Summary/notes: For
kinkme_merlin "Bradley mistakenly thinks he and Colin are about to kiss and is hurt and embarrassed when he realizes they weren't and that people are making fun of him for thinking so." Firs time filling in a prompt, be gentle XD
Bradley wasn’t sure how things could have gone so wrong, so fast. One minute him and Colin were just goofing around, laughing, being happy and the next minute Bradley was sitting there, wishing he’d just die on the spot so he wouldn’t have to deal with the awkwardness and the way his heart was clenching.
Colin had looked so happy, and he'd been leaning in so closely. He'd smelled really nice too, like something sweet but not too sweet, just perfect really. And all Bradley had been able to really think about was moving closer, getting closer to that smile and that smell. He hadn’t meant to fuck it up.
But then Colin had moved impossibly close, closer than he’d ever been and Bradley had thought that maybe that meant something. And really, maybe if he hadn’t been fantasizing about this pretty much ever since he’d met Colin he would have had a chance; maybe then he wouldn’t have read the situation completely wrong. He wouldn’t have thought there was even the smallest chance that Colin had wanted to kiss him.
But hope had flared in Bradley’s chest and he’d just gone for it, closing his eyes and moving in, just like Colin had been doing.
Instead of soft lips his mouth had connected with Colin’s cheek however, because obviously Colin had just been moving in to whisper something in his ear, not kiss him in the middle of the auditorium, surrounded by their whole grade.
Colin had gasped softly and pulled back immediately, eyes wide as he looked at Bradley, confused and probably disgusted.
Just as Bradley was about to say something, his thoughts racing; (trying to find something to say that would somehow make this stop being the end of the world;) the people around them started laughing.
Bradley could feel the flush rising on his cheeks and by now he couldn’t even look at Colin anymore. All he could hear was Suzy Baker’s obnoxious scream of disgust and really, if she wasn’t a girl he probably would’ve punched her in the mouth.
“I’m so, so…” Bradley started and he looked up at Colin’s face for a second; and the utter misery and regret he was feeling must have shown because Colin was smiling at him with kind eyes.
And then suddenly Colin’s hands were on his face, cupping his cheeks, and he was pressing their lips together and and they were kissing. Bradley closed his eyes and his hands reached for Colin’s arms, settling on his biceps and squeezing softly. Colin made a soft, happy sound in the back of his throat and Bradley worried, for a second, that his heart would stop beating.
The people around them stopped laughing and just stared at them as they kissed in the middle of the auditorium. After a while they all lost their interest and just went on with whatever it had been they were doing.
And Bradley and Colin just kept kissing.
- Comments are greatly appreciated.