Mar 05, 2004 22:51
well todayyyyyyy a few people came over because my dad likes to constantly change his mind on when he wants to see passion of the christ.. yeah he sucks
oh yeah. someone stole my cell phone right out of my gym locker.. im sooooo upset beyond belief, i wont be getting another, not enough money.
.. so yeah ben and maria came.. we just kinda sat around i wasnt fun to be around because i was depressed,.. maria was just being herself, and ben was being rapist-like, but thats okay because bens cool lol, then after sara went to go get peirced she came with fina.. to tell us how it went a little bit after everyone left. now im alone, i dont like being alone.
.. yeah. im still upset i dont think i can live without my phone. ive had one since 6th grade, i rely on it, now its gone.