Jun 25, 2005 17:54
so um ah in your big ass journal entry talkin about tyler, you mention how it hurts so, so bad and you love him so. you want nothing more than for him to hold you and maybe kiss you. now you finally feel what i do for you... the only thing though is that you had tyler for like 3 months, where as i had you for 2 years... so it hurt that much more... shit sucks huh... well i still havent slept and i think that i will try that for a few hours... it is hard to sleep when your lonely, and all you wanna do is cuddle.... and snuggle, hold someone close while you fall slowly asleep... i love you... please reply to all of my stuff... i keep looking foward to checking my mail b/c i hope that you will have finally mailed me... then i am so let down when i get on-line and my inbox has ø new messages... love ya goodnight.
you just dont know how much i hat..... off to a bad start, o fucking well... what the hell? i was nice enough to buy you all of this shit, blow my entire fucking check on you, and for what? I thought that this would show you that i did like you and care for you so that maybe i would be a prime choice when you did decide to go and start dating again. Because that entire day you were just oozing sex appeal, and i was blinded by my hormones, and you knew it and you used it "whats the matter dont you wanna have sex with me?" NO! i didnt want sex i wanted to make love, to share something intimate. "BUt we had sex." that is the farthest thing from sex that i have ever had.... no emotion, no desire, no nothing... i had to fight to keep my erection.... i used to always want to have sex with you, and when i did it was good, but now it sux. and i feel like shit for doing it. You aided me in successfully cheating on the girlfrien that doesnt hurt me that doesnt call me demeaning names, and she actually has fun when we wrestle. the only thing that you have on her is time, and for some reason you always will have my wild side. I am a man of twenty years of age. I have been with but four women. You are a woman of eight-teen you, to my knowledge, have been with five men, and three women. ..... I cant believe i wasted time and money on you again... jj was right i am stupid when im horny. I dont care keep my A perfect cirlce Dvd... i dont give a fuck, just leave me alone, i HATE how you make me feel. I should have learned my lesson last time this shit happened. oh yeah i hope that you enjoyed nick.
not that you give a fuck but i am leaving. "finally" is probalbly what comes to your mind. i had a craptacular time last night, thanks for stabbing me in the arm twice, as well as getting sharpie on my shirt (well appreciated). So before i leave could i get my Perfect circle dvd back. i regret everything that i did with you with the exception of the night that we burried your chinchilla. I am hoping to not come back for a long while... i fell that the reasons that i left were stupid and unjustified... leaving b/c i was bored and sick of the military...as well as for a girl, unfortuneatly that girl isnt the same...but on the brighter side i found a better one, one that wont stab me, call me names, and continue to do shit after i ask her to stop. actually you know what keep the damn dvd... i may be an asshole, but i am only one to those who bring that side out in me, and deserve that attitude towards them. dljgh;lsdjghdsljhjdssd;hgdskjghdghdkgheugbvdbvgaftewrkefuckadjshg
Yep..you guessed it.. all messages from Jon..hmmm I think one is missing...one saying about how he loves me and I love (insert name here)..goodbye?? WTF???
This kid is really fucking twisted!!!!
He even tried to make it seem like I'm a whore....just because I have honestly been with more people than he has and I have been on this earth 18 years compared to his 20 years.
Sorry, but anyone who sends emails as ridiculous as this should be shot for saying they are a 'man'. That is as 7th grade as you can get.....
Ok, so I'm done with this drama.
I don't even know what the fuck is going on.....he just likes making things go psycho all on his own doesn't he?
Stupid people really should stop thinking so hard. They always end up making the worst decisions in the end.
Just as I'm sure I am by antagonizing this further by this post ^_^
But I'm just pimp like that.