Dreams..? WTF?

Jun 23, 2005 16:53

Ok..yeah I've been having some psycho dreams, and for some odd reason, I've been doing a very good job at remembering them. Of course that might have to do with the fact that I haven't been sleeping that well. Geez...last good shut eye I had, had to be...before I went to Colorado. Or something like that. It's funny because I love to sleep! Wheee
Anyways..here's a small sample of what I dream of.
A while back I had a dream that I was in this renaissance (did I spell that right? lol) time, kinda fantasy doodad. Seek (the bassist from Psycho le Cemu) was in it. There were twin Seeks and one was a prince and the other was fake. Well Brandon and I were peasants..and I remember something about us getting ready for Holloween or something like that. I fun into Seek's nanny, and she wants me to marry Seek, so she has me do all these odd chores...or something. Well I end up making this dish..that the nanny says is his favorite food......milk and avacados? WTF? O.o And then I woke up..
Next dream: I was having another graduation party, and ....I was out and about when I ran into AJ and Brian from Backstreet Boys (don't ask) and I brought them back to my house/bowling alley. Yeah, I dunno how to explain that. Well anyways, there was all these people there that Rosa and I didnt' know, and Michelle showed up from Colorado with her fiance' in this odd red, yellow and orange, old styled car. I remember telling her it was an awesome car...when really...it was just quite scary.
Then we all somehow end up in my bed....which my bed in this dream was a kingsized bed on top of a pedestal in the middle of a tall circular dome room. Yep, car and all. Then I woke up from that. ^_^
Then the other day I had a dream about Vin Diesel? See, in the dream I had just moved into this old victorian fantasy styled house that seemed the people who lived before us didn't have time to move their crap out.....sooo anyways, my father and siblings (which both I don't have lol) moved into this house with me. BTW everything had this white theme to it. White silk, white lace, etc. It was crazy, and I was getting the huge ass tub of water ready, when Vin Diesel comes in where only a white loincloth of somesorts...??? And he had all this dirt smudged all over him. And the rest of the dream, pretty much turned into some psycho lock the door so dad and my sibs dont' get in massive ball of sexanism frenzy. What? O.o..yeah I don't know where to begin to try and analyze this crazyiness. ^_^
And the dream I had last night involved all of us (meaning the usual group of friends) sneeking into a Thriller Water Theme Park. O.o? It was a mix of what you would find at those haunted houses during Holloween and odd slides that you find by pools lol. What's up with the whole Holloween thing? lol
Yeah, that's about it...
Just odd silly dreams...that I find amusing....and somehow managed to remember.
Wonder if they mean anything at all?
On a side note: Why do I have so much in common with Courtney's b/f? That's a bad thing....*kills self*
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