Everything in life seems to be going great, which is amazing because I haven't felt that way in about a year! It makes me happy. :)
Yeah, so,
James is fixing my journal for me. [Or so he says ;)]. I emailed him the password so this html shit should probably be out of sight in a short while. [Notice the "should be". Hehe.]
My weekend, was so badass. Just wow. Wow. And if this flow continues, next weekend should be even better and so forth and so forth.
Friday, I went to see "Bringin Down the House" with Aaron, Chris, and Anderson and then we went bowling. The movie was pretty funny. :) And Chris was a sweetie. I told him I didn't want anything from the snack thingy, and mid-movie he went out and got me a Pepsi and popcorn anyway. Aww <3 And then we went bowling which was awesome because it was black-light bowling. \m/ Rawk. I won the first and third game. OH! My third game was a 128! I was so proud of myself! I got two strikes and 3 spares! I was like, "YEEEAAAH!!" And we had silly little rules, like, everytime someone got a spare, they posed; strike, they danced. [Stupid rules a la Anderson] But it was pretty funny :) Hehe I had a blast!
Then yesterday mom and I went to Kohl's. She got new plates and bowls. It's about time tho coz those rooster things were just DAMN tacky. Hehe. [Yes, we had rooster shit, shush!] I got a new shirt and pants and some towels for the apartment. Yeah, I'm workin on it. My room in the apartment's going to be so pretty! When guys say, "Hey, I wanna see your room *Wink*" they'll actually mean it! Hehe.
Then today is just lounge around the house day. I like it.
I can't wait for school tomorrow. I know that sounds silly, but I have people to see! <3 Dan. Yeah! Him and Mike were in the library the same time my second hour was Friday, and Mike kept calling me over like a friend would do in the 7th grade. It was kinda cute <3 I'm sure I was blushing, hehe. He was like, "Jess! Come here and sign this!" and I'd say, "I already did." and he'd say "Well come here anyway." and I would and it'd just be great. [Wow, now if that isn't a run on sentence.]
I love this new feeling I have. You know, the "new" feeling. Where you get all warm inside and feel so nervous it's exciting just when you see that one person! It's like, "Ahhh..." and "AHHH!!!" at the same time. It's amazing. I'm gonna wear my new stuffs tomorrow and talk to Dan about a movie! YEAH!
I got a PS2 too!! I've made it so far in Kingdom Hearts. It's a cute game. I rocked the socks off Jack Skeleton tho. Mmm... Nightmare Before Christmas, how you amuse me so. And I made it far on Final Fantasy X where I'm up against Sin, but I can't get past his mouth opening. That really pisses me off! But there just has to be a way!
Speaking of pissing me off. Wyatt... oooh buddy. Let's summarize this before I go off on a rant. I'm trying to be his friend. No wait, I've tried and I think I'm just gonna give up :) I mean, I wasn't asking to start a relationship with him again, fuuuuuck that. I don't see why it's so hard for him to go from relationship to friend. It'd be different if he actually cared for me or something, but it's not like that at all. Now all I get is "Drowningman Time in Malta *bitch bitch bitch bitch*" when I've told him GOD KNOWS how many times that I didn't have one and I'd give the other one back tomorrow. Jesus Christ. I don't need anything from him more than a friendship, but if he wants to be a whiny little cunt about it, so be it. I can live with or without him, and I'm sick of trying to be a friend. It's sickening to think of that year of my life just wasted because he's not mature enough to handle a friendship. Boo hoo.
Alright, well
James is back online now. Time to bug him to fix da journal!