Sorry! I keep forgetting to update/ keep forgetting to do things worth updating about.
... of course, now I can't think of anything to say.
Oh, well, I got "tagged," so here we go:
*5 things I do when I'm alone to de-stress"
1. I drink coffee. This, of course backfires and makes me even more anxious and manic than usual, but at least then everything happens BIG (in the words of my lovemate, Carly.)
2. I watch TV - again, this doesn't really de-stress me, it just lets me forget about my problems for a moment.
3. I... quit my job? Yeah I do.
4. Sometimes I cry, I guess. Hysterically cry about how my whole fucking world is going to end because I like, am tired.
5. I don't know. Drink? Smoke? Have hot fucking sex with a prostitute? Something constructive like that.
Well, I'll think of something super awesome and update later (and do the other thing I got tagged for.) For now, please enjoy this picture that gets me unexplainably more excited than I ever should get: Some day I'll be so not poor that I'll be able to cover all the walls in my future house with awesome prints.