May 22, 2005 13:13
Paige:: er--..Hello?
Colton:: Wats Up
lauren::FREE WILLY
Paige:: It's flubber!!
lauren::i thought it waz blubber like nick
Paige:: Well then..It's blubber!! (aka:: Nick))
lauren::rubbery flubbly blubber
Paige:...*thinks and starts to sweat*...Pineapple
lauren::lime in a coke u nut
Paige::ANd you mix 'em both together
lauren::ah ha i knew that really i did
Paige:: Yeah, just like how you knew nick had tits
colton:: dats jus wrong
Paige::No it's not
colton:: bye bye ttyl
lauren::byebye *click*
Paige:: See you another dumbass day *clickity click*