Jan 15, 2007 17:07
1 - I just heard that Children of Men wasn't out in the US til recently, is that true? It's odd because I saw that last year, just before it left the cinema, and australia isn't known for getting things first ^-^ Anyways I do recommend it. Slightly depressing but over all a good movie.
2 - i felt like making a list today. oh and happy feet was so cute. now i've got that whole 'maaaan i wish i could dance so i could boogie to the song in my head' ...thing.
3 - Uni results = blah. oh well, if i didn't get in it's best to know so i can move on to better things! and by better things i mean pretty much back to what i do every day.
4 - louie says hi. hehehe silly puppy.
5 - whhyyyyyyy are the gaia inventory arrangers down? if i can't get my stuff out of storage how am i supposed to sell it and buy that purdy scarf? oh well. wish i could have bought it last week when it was 400k cheaper. although i did get a pink box (whoo for those 'click this link to see if you won' threads!) which had a nitemare hb in, so now i can semi afford the expensive scarf anyways. or i could get something cheaper and put the rest of the money into a fresh grass skirt. i was one of those *kicks self for selling hers back when they were 2k*
is that enough of a gaia rant? hm. also wish some of the artists would come back to our shop and sell something, the threads so lonely without buyers. and everyone who wants phorie arts already has them. i'm focusing on contests again. contests are fuuuun.
right, is that enough crap for one day? huzzah ^-^
take care in the real world.