019 - Glee: Head Over Feet

Nov 27, 2009 00:44

Title: Head Over Feet
Fandom: Glee
Pairings/Characters: Kevin McHale/Jenna Ushkowitz
Rating/Warning: PG-13-ish, RPF
Summary: At the time it felt like slow motion, but when she would think back to this night, it actually happened in an instant.
Author’s Notes: Title taken from Alanis Morissette's song, 'Head Over Feet'. Written for the McHalowitz Drabble/Fic-a-thon for stellarscience who gave the prompt: "Kevin/Jenna, suspenders". (1705 words) Enjoy! Feedback is ♥

They all got rooms on the top floor of their hotel. Cory was the most excited out of everyone, snapping multiple pictures and taking random video with his flipcam of the amazing views of the New York City skyline, while Lea just laughed at him. Her hair swept across her face as they all stood on the balcony of Amber and Jenna's room. Cory continued to film everyone, making sure to zoom in on Lea, resting her head on Dianna's shoulder who waved up at him. Chris made a crazy face as usual and Kevin just arched an eyebrow, pretending to be serious before breaking down into soft laughter.

As the sun began to set Mark rubbed his stomach and announced that he was starving, a feeling most of them shared.

“I don't know 'bout the rest of you, but I'm ready for pizza,” Amber said as they all started shuffling to the door.

Jenna laughed but bowed out. She'd had a huge lunch and was still a little full. She was also exhausted from signing all day and really needed a little downtime. All the gleeks said their goodbyes and headed downstairs for dinner leaving her by herself on the balcony. She leaned on the railing as the sun made it's final dip below the horizon and the city's lights began to sparkle in the growing dusk. The cool air made her feel at home and she smiled to herself.

Suddenly a pair of hands covered her eyes and she jumped a foot off the ground, shrieking and whipping around to see who it was.

“Oh my, God! KEVIN, you scared the crap out of me!” she screamed and playfully swatted at his chest. He was laughing hysterically at her and had to take off his glasses for a moment to wipe the tears from his eyes. “I thought you went to dinner with everyone else.”

He shrugged and slipped his hands into his pockets, finally able to compose himself, “didn't feel too hungry. We ate a lot of sushi for lunch. Still kinda full.”

She nodded at him in agreement. “Except I don't know where you put it!” she poked him in the gut and giggled at his slim physique.

“Hey, I'm trying to stay buff, woman!” he said in a funny voice that always made her giggle harder. Of course it worked and she dropped her head slightly to laugh at his silly voice. Her long hair fell into her face, creating a wall of glossy waves that he just itched to touch.

He let one of his hands come up to brush a few locks away from her face and she instantly fell silent. The light breeze that had been blowing earlier had died down gradually and now the air was perfectly still. She held her breath for a moment and looked up at him. He was so close to her now, and with her back pressed up against the railing she had no where to go.

A small smile graced his face and she smiled back, letting go of the breath she was holding and feeling her mouth twitch into a wide grin. At the time it felt like slow motion, but when she would think back to this night, it actually happened in an instant.

His soft lips were covering hers and it was just like their brief kiss as Tina and Artie; warm, chaste and sweet. It felt different to kiss without bring in character but it sparked something in her that she had felt before, but had simply pushed away. Until now. Now Kevin was kissing her and she was just standing there, unmoving, slightly shocked.

He pulled away, downward cast eyes looking everywhere but at her and stammering out a weak apology. She placed a hand on his chest to stop him and his eyes snapped up to look back at her. She could see the fear and uncertainty in his eyes and truth be told, she felt the same way.

At the same time, however, she was also starting to feel a lot braver than she had before. She moved her hand over his heart, feeling it pounding below her fingertips and knew that hers was probably doing the same. His eyes locked with hers as she looped a finger under one of his suspender straps and tugged on it gently, pulling him closer to her.

This time she was kissing him and it was soft and slow, her tongue finding his for the first time. He seemed surprised for a moment but they soon found their pace. She let her other hand come up to rest on his chest while her other hand was still playing with his suspender strap. A small shiver ran down her spine from the cold night air and as if he read her mind, Kevin began to walk them backwards into the room.

Without warning the backs of Kevin's legs hit the edge of one of the beds and they both fell onto the duvet in an ungracefully heap. They began to laugh, both at the situation and to dispel any lingering tension. After a while Jenna sat up and straddled his legs, smiling down at him. His shirt was untucked and his left suspender strap was now completely off his shoulder.

“I don't think you'll be needing these right now,” she whispered and leaned down towards him, slipping her finger underneath the right strap and slowly pulling it off his shoulder.

“I guess I won't,” he agreed, staring up at her. His hands came up to settle on her hips, his thumbs making tiny circles underneath the hem of her blouse. He looked amazed as he looked up at her and she couldn't help blushing.

Leaning back down, she captured his lips with hers and could feel rather than see a smile spreading across his face. She couldn't believe they were doing this, even though she'd thought about it more than once and judging from the way he was kissing her back, so had he.

In a flash Kevin was flipping them over so she was on her back and it was now her turn to looking up at him in amazement. The chains that always hung around his neck tumbled out of his shirt and dangled over her chest swaying back and forth as he stared down at her. She grabbed ahold of the chains and pulled him back down over her, his weight shifting ever so slightly so he wouldn't crush her.

“I've been wanting to do this forever,” he breathed and kissed her again and again.

“Mmm - me too,” she was running her hands down his chest now and up over his back, pulling him closer, not wanting to let him go. “Why did we wait so long.”

“I don't even know,” he said and brushed her hair aside so he could work his way down her jawline, her pulse pounding against his lips when he reached her neck.

Suddenly laughing and shouting could be heard outside the door and the sound of the keycard being jammed into the slot alerted them that they had visitors. Jenna practically threw Kevin off her, sitting up on her bed and grabbing at the TV remote on the night stand. Kevin who had almost rolled off the bed, settled down next to her on the large queen bed to watch whatever was on the TV screen. Jerry Springer popped up on the screen and the entire room was filled with the sounds of the audience shouting and screaming bleeped out profanities at each other.

Amber and Chris burst into the room a second later laughing about something when they saw the two of them sitting in bed together, watching Jerry Springer. Jenna's hair was disheveled while Kevin's suspender straps were off loosely by his sides and his own hair was a little mussed.

The four of them stared at each other like deer caught in headlights. Kevin and Jenna held their breath, hoping they looked innocent enough while Chris stared back at them, wide eyed and Amber just cocked one perfectly shaped brow.

“You're back early,” Jenna commented, mentally cursing herself because her voice sounded way too husky to be considered casual. She cleared her throat and smiled.

Another long pause stretched out between them until Amber shifted her weight and put her hands on her hips. “Girl, don't even try. You two are way too obvious.”

Chris, who had remained silent until now finally spoke, “yeah, and Springer? Seriously?”

Kevin dropped his head and started to chuckle at the situation, “Busted.” Jenna remained silent, but a small smirk tugged at her lips and she flushed a soft pink hue. “Can you keep it on the down low, though?”

“Sure, whatever,” Amber said, laughing at them. Chris snickered behind her and winked at Jenna. “I'm going back out to join the others, just had to grab my sweater. Text me when y'all are done up in here.”

And with that both her and Chris left them to themselves and Jerry Springer. Jenna bust out into a fit of laughter, rolling over onto him again. Kevin was already in hysterics, tears streaming down his face as he laughed along with her. He grabbed the remote from her to turn off the TV so that the only thing that could be heard was their laughter.

“Do you think we can trust them to keep it a secret for now?” Jenna asked a few minutes later when they'd finally calmed down and were laying on their backs, heads touching as they stared at the ceiling.

He snorted. “Chris? Yes. Amber?....not so much.”


He propped himself up on his elbow and looked down at her. “If our little secret will soon be out, then may as well make the most of what little time we have.”

“Very good idea, Mr. McHale,” she said, gripping his shirt in both hands and pulling him down for another kiss. “I knew I kept you around for a reason.”


rpf, kevin mchale/jenna ushkowitz, glee

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