015 - HIMYM: Glow In The Dark

Feb 10, 2009 16:24

Title: Glow in the Dark
Fandom: How I Met Your Mother
Pairing/Characters: Barney/Robin
Rating: PG
Spoilers: Slight spoilers for the plot of episode 4x14 - 'Possimpible', but pretty vague otherwise.
Summary: Written in response to this prompt by jamie55 in the barneyrobin community. Slightly different, but the same general idea (*salutes* General Idea) as this one: Love is written in the stars. Use the scraps from Glow-in-the-Dark sticker pages (like the stars and moons for a kids bedroom) and cut out the words "I LOVE YOU". Stick them over your significant other's side of the bed. Every night, when the lights go out your sentiment glows on the ceiling!
Notes: My first (posted) Barney/Robin fic! I love these two and have tons of stories started, but I keep getting new ideas and not being able to finish all of them. Anyway... Enjoy and review!

Robin arched a brow at him and crossed her arms over her chest. “Are you kidding me?”

Barney sighed, “No, I want you to come check out my bedroom. I’m working on a new design and I needed some advice, y’know, from a girl.”

They were standing outside his apartment building. Her coat was unbuttoned, letting the winter wind flutter the bow on the soft pink blouse she was wearing. He gulped slightly, momentarily thinking about threading his fingers through the silk bow and gently tugging it loose.

“You texted me 911, to meet you at your place.” She looked pissed and he kinda liked the way her eyes lit up when she was annoyed. “I thought maybe you had an actual emergency, like, a fire.”

“Nooo, no no no. I’m fine. It’s all good. I just really need your help.” He turned and started towards the elevators, but when he didn’t hear the familiar click of her heels behind him, he frowned and turned back. “Robin, come on.”

“Barney, 911 is reserved for emergencies only. I was really worried.” She stared up at him from her position by the lobby doors and pursed her lips.

She didn’t understand him sometimes, scratch that, ever. When she had agreed to be in this non-relationship with Barney she had expected it to be crazy, spontaneous and fun, but lately he was acting really weird. They had set down a few ground rules, and even though they occasionally bent a few, they had served as good parameters for their non-relationship. There were about 20 rules in all but the main ones were:
1. No discussing the non-relationship with the rest of the gang. (They just wouldn’t understand.)
2. No booty calls after midnight, because Robin had to get up before dawn for her morning show on Channel 12. (Barney pretended he didn’t own a watch that one time.)
3. Seeing/sleeping with other people was fine as long as the other person was notified beforehand. (She’d been on one date and he’d claimed not to have been interested in anyone the last few times they had been at MacLaren’s.)
4. No romantic stuff.

She wondered what kind of new design Barney had in mind for his bedroom, and the thought made her a little uneasy. All she could picture were mirrors on the ceiling and fuzzy handcuffs on the headboard. She wasn’t really sure why he needed her opinion, because they both already knew she wasn’t into mirrors on the ceiling and she already had handcuffs at her place. Real ones. Her stomach clenched at the thought that maybe Barney had finally found a decent chick to bang, and that he needed to make some alterations to his bedroom to suit said chick. It shouldn’t really concern her, but for some reason the fact that he wanted her opinion on something that would help him get laid by another woman wasn’t really what she was expecting or hoping for when he’d texted her earlier.

Robin was literally pulled from her thoughts when Barney grabbed her wrist and led her to the elevators. “Scherbatsky, come on!”

The elevator doors pinged open and he quickly let her into his apartment. She stepped in and wondered why all his lights were on. “Wow, you really don’t care about the environment and conservation, do you?” she said jokingly and slipped off her shoes.

He seemed to ignore her comment and instead led her towards his bedroom, which was also brightly lit with lights, despite it being the middle of a sunny afternoon. She stood by the door and realized that nothing had been changed at all. There was still one pillow, one blanket, the king-sized bed. She glanced up at the ceiling and thankfully, it was mirror-free.

“Barney -” she began, but was cut off by his lips pressing softly into hers. She snaked a hand around his waist and pulled him closer to her. Slowly, he walked her backwards towards the bed and laid her gently on the mattress. She broke the kiss to let out a small laugh as she looked up at him. “You didn’t make any changes, did you?”

He grinned down at her but didn’t answer her. Robin grinned back, kissed him hungrily and slid her hand around between them to stroke him provocatively. “You know, if you wanted an afternoon quickie, you could have just said that in the text, you didn’t need to make up a fake emergency.”

“I know that. I really did make some design changes though.”

She looked up at him, confused, because there was absolutely nothing different about his room. “I…don’t get it. Did you paint the walls a different shade of the same colour?”

He shook his head, a sneaky grin on his face. “Check it out,” he said, and cleared his throat. “Blinds down.” There was a beat when nothing happened, then suddenly dark blinds came rolling down the windows, shutting out the sunlight inch by inch.

Her face lit up as she pushed him off her slightly and watched the blinds close completely. The lights in his room were still on, so it wasn’t dark, but she was still amazed by the cool new gadget he’d installed. “That. Is awesome!” she breathed and propped herself up on her elbows. “Do the lights clap on and off too?”

“Pffftt, what is this? A bad 90’s infomercial? Ha! ‘Do they clap on?’ Oh, Scherbatsky, you amuse me to no end.”

She tilted her head to look at him when he rolled off her completely, laying on his back as well. He cleared his throat again. “Lights off.”

This time, it only took a split second before they were in complete darkness. Robin gasped, as the room went pitch black and then suddenly there were stars.

On the ceiling of Barney Stinson’s bedroom were tiny glow in the dark stars shining down at her. She sucked in a breath when she realized there were words over ‘her’ side of the bed. Clusters of tiny stars spelled out the words, “I think you are awesome”.

Instinctively, she had the urge to bolt, but something inside held her back. “Barney…” she started, but didn’t know how to finish the sentence.

She didn’t need to, because he bent over her and kissed her again, deeply and with so much passion, it sucked all the air out of her lungs. When they broke apart, she was panting for oxygen, and he tried to read her face, despite the darkness..

“Robin, I know we agreed on a set of rules for our non-relationship and -”

“This clearly violates number 4,” she interjected with a soft giggle. She didn’t sound angry or scared, to his relief. She sounded amused and it gave him courage to continue.

“Yeah, exactly. So… I was thinking. Rules are for people who are in relationships. Maybe we can get rid of a couple rules.”

“Which rules do you want to eliminate?”

“Allofthem,” he blurted out without thinking and noted how she went tense under his hands. He let out a nervous laugh and was greeted by a long awkward silence as she thought about what he was suggesting.

“Okay.” Robin agreed.

He looked down at her as his eyes finally started to adjust to the darkness. He could see the outline of her face looking up at him. She looked content and relaxed.

“Okay?” he asked, mildly bewildered by her calm answer.

“Yeah. Okay.” Robin sighed and rolled onto her side to face him. “I’ll let this one romantic gesture, as awesome and sweet as it was, slide as long as you go back to being Barney.” She poked him in the ribs playfully. “Be gross and politically incorrect and awesome again.”

“That I can do.”

“Good.” She pulled him down for another kiss, grateful that his tongue was teasing hers and that his hands had already made their way under her skirt.

They were almost undressed when he paused for a moment to whisper, “hey, Robin?”

She let out a hiss of breath as his fingers finally freed her from her bra. “What, Barney?”

“Guess who’s banging the chick from the Channel 12 Morning Show?”

She laughed despite herself, found his hand in the darkness to give him a high five, and pulled him back down to finish the deed.

how i met your mother, barney/robin

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