Just a pointless rant because I'm pissed off...

Mar 25, 2007 17:19

Remind me to never go anywhere with my family again, ever. All my mom and Michael ever seem to do is act shitty towards me, and then act like it's all my fault. So, today we went shopping. I always bring my headphones with me when we go in the car because I'm OCD about controlling the radio, and Michael always has to be a prick about it. So, of course, they take this as an oppertunity to talk about the fact that I still can't drive, loudly enough for me to hear them over my music. Because, I obviously haven't told them AT EVERY POSSIBLE OPPORTUNITY how upset I am about the fact that I'm 18 and still don't have a driver's license. Go ahead, I'm not bitter. Guess what, assholes, maybe one of you should bring me to the DMV to renew my permit since it expired a year ago. I'd do it myself, but I CAN'T DRIVE. Maybe you should teach me to drive again too, because I can't do that either.

Then, we get to the mall, and my mom proceeds to let me know how annoying I'm being by standing silently next to her. Sorry the fact that I'm NOT bitching about being in my least favorite store annoys you so much, mom. Then we go out to lunch at a restaurant that we all know has nothing for me to eat, and I get yelled at for being upset about this. Sorry, but you are all selfish assholes. I know that the fact that I'm a vegetarian makes it a bit hard for me to find food to eat, but some consideration would be nice. So, I ate a plate of fries and shut the fuck up for fear of getting yelled at for being "difficult" again. We shopped some more and I got yelled at again for asking my mom if she could come into the stores I want to go to for 10 fucking minutes, even though I have to watch her and her husband loiter at fucking Bass for a half an hour.

God this pisses me off. No matter what I do, they act like I'm being immature. Is it to much to ask that Michael shuts the fuck up and stops acting like an asshole to me for 1 day? Or that we could eat somewhere that has food for me? Cause I'm a little tired of side dishes people. I'm also a little tired of always being the one who gets blamed for everything. I cannot fucking wait for college.

And they wonder why I never leave my room.
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