May 17, 2004 22:03
well i started the day of terrible...instead of doing the session 1 of the MCAS i did the entire thing! im such a loser but i dont really care either cuz i get to sleep all morning. also got poop grades, they were ok i guess...a, b+, b-, b-, c+. later after all the shit classes we had band and watched fag robin hood. went to sams and then we walked down here. lots of tannage and had an old cd of mine haha...sam good old songs love em!
we ate cold mac and cheese and saved a trillion tadpoles from my pool :) we are awesome sam! yea i went for a walk to the cemetary and needed time to think. went to see kate's grave :( we have no hw and im happy! drove by and saw mat roger pete jme eric and some other kids over christas. apparently jme roger and eric went to my house? wish id seen u kids cuz ur all wicked amazing. yea then phone with sean and thats all i did today. night.