Mar 08, 2007 16:34
I have a lot of mixed feelings about movies made about people who have died. Some movies are the inspiration they are meant to be, others should not be seen and should not have been made. I'm a very curious person by nature but I think there are certain things that people have little to no right to. Some things are personal and should be kept so. Pain is personal. When someone kills themselves, for whatever reason, one would think that the family's wishes for privacy would be respected; but, when the deceased is a celebrity respect is thrown out the window and what is private becomes public domain. Most of us have the option of sharing only what we want others to know but if someone is a celebrity nothing is a secret for long. Private acts and losses become publicly judged; it's even more hypocritical when one considers that many of these acts are no better or worse that what many people do behind closed doors. I can't imagine living in a glass house. I would go insane from the pressure of not being allowed the concession of privacy. It's never about truth, only a story, a slant, a titillation. There are things in my life, in any one's life, that I'd be horrified to see made into a movie for the amusement of others. I've lost people that I cared about to various things but I've never been unlucky enough to have those awful memories dramatized, skewed and thrown up on screen then made into a video where people could pause and replay the embarrassing or painful bits while masticating popcorn. I can't even describe how I feel about that.
Addition and subtraction
I don't know what it's like to have my mother remove herself from the equation
leaving only her words
She doesn't haunt me
I don't see her every time I look at an oven
Death is a private thing
unless you are a celebrity
unless you died horribly
I've never been asked and harassed to resurrect her,
a Lady Lazarus perversion, a parody on screen,
to ignite the things I don't want to remember
Even stones don't get peace
The curious
The jaded
They throng and howl crying
"More. Give us more."
like pilgrims after saint's bones,
live vultures after flesh
greedily gobbling the scraps
Everyone loves a villain
Everyone believes a slanted story
Sainted victim, cruel husband, german boot
We drink the blood and sink in to the tooth.