New England Trip...

Aug 18, 2003 00:35

I'm still out east right now. We just got back from Pittsburg, New Hampshire. It's beautiful up there. We did some kayaking on 1st Connectecut Lake, some hiking and some moose watching. Pretty relaxing time, all in all. Julie's sore. We enjoyed watching the news and seeing the power out knowing that we were safe outside of the grid up to the north. I am now visiting my family in the "New York Area" [which is nothing more then just a clever way of saying "New Jersey"]. The weather has been unpredictable, but I've been enjoying the thunderstorms! =] Sorry I can't write more, but I'm on my parents computer and they're giving me the dirty 'let's go' look [we're heading over to my grandparents right now]. I will be checking my email every now and then while I'm here and will be getting back to Portland at the beginning of next week. Hope all is well in PDX. I'll talk with you soon.

Stay cool,
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