Jul 25, 2003 00:28
Last nights BBQ seemed to go relatively well for the most part. Even though I don't remember a great deal about last night, I do remember Katie being a total bitch to James at one point. I hope he's not bothered by that, because after all, she's retarded and he shouldn't be [at all]. She just doesn't understand that type of humor (the type that's reserved for only the truly enlightened such as ourselves). I hope her reaction didn't make him feel BAD or anything, because he totally shouldn't. She's very closed-minded sometimes, and makes judgments about things she really knows nothing about [she's only 23 after all]. I really wouldn't worry about it and hope it didn't bother him if it even did. That type of stuff is actually what everybody [everybody enlightened and 'cool' that is] LIKE about him!!! Julie and I talked about it after he left, about how we both think he's a really awesomely funny, great guy and, as we typically do to pass the time, talked about how much of a spoiled, entitled, narcissistic, little retard Katie can be sometimes [not to mention moody], and how (althought we love her dearly) she just doesn't have the intellectual aptitude to truly 'get it' yet. She's just about as enlightened as a bowl of warm beans sometimes, if you wanted my honest opinion [and even if you didn't, I'm giving it anyway 'cause I've talked with chirpy over there, but that's just how I roll, ya dig?].
Needless to say, if Katie was turned off by all of the potty humor going on, then FUCK HER man, who cares? We got his back. In the grand scheme of things, does it really matter what princess Katie thinks of him anyway? It's actually FUN to get her riled up and a game we like to play here quite often. She just doesn't know how cool he is yet. Yet! WE like James, and would encourage him to be that intellectually crass jokester that we all know and love, and fuck 'em if they're turned off by it or don't understand the pure brilliance of it all.
We'll have to have another get together real soon over here and spend the whole night just talking about shitting, farting, boobs and hot bodily fluids 'till our hearts content and everybody's heads explode, and until we're the only two people left in the room and we're STILL laughing our asses off at how pathetically brilliant we both are.
"I haven't stopped laughing till I/Learned to laugh at myself/When I fall down." -- Dag Nasty/Your Mine.
If people don't get it, or don't like it, they can always just leave the room and talk about how stupidly juvenile we all are [behind our backs when we're not listening], and how we both just need to grow up, which, as you more than likely know by now, will most likely never happen. Either that, or they could just fuck the hell right off!!! I'm the heartless bastard anyway [if you need further proof, just ask Gretchatoid]. Lol! I thank him for photographing the debatchury of Julie and I dancing together in our drunken, happy stupors. I'm interested to see how much of an ass we made of ourselves.
-Xtp [aka: SBM/Short Bitter Man]