Turrete-Like Self-Disclosures On Toppings On Pizza's & How This All Relates To The Predictable Natur

Jun 13, 2002 19:44

Part of my shopping extravaganza yesterday I purchased a new pair of shorts. I totally in love with them!!! I used to have this pair of cut off Army pants that I used to wear back in high school that had these pockets on the legs. I went to an Army Surplus store looking for a pair recently and found them to be out of my budget. I found these shorts at **cringe** Walmart for like, $8.00 (the only reason I go to Walmart in the first place btw, is because I can develop a roll of film, MATTE FINISH for a mere $3.98). They're kind of dark, Olivish brown, go to just under my kneecap (giving me the ILLUSION of not having the short legs I've been blessed with), and have velcro pockets on both legs. I think I'm going to wear them all summer long!!!

-Random Interjection -
Darkhorse Comics is having a major blowout sale on Saturday!!! Up to 50% off on selected items.
- End Random Interjection -

I am currently wearing my shorts right now with my Chuck Taylor’s and a black T-shirt (one might say, the traditional summer 'Rockstar uniform'). During our Admin meeting this afternoon our Program Director (who supervises all of the Administrators [like me] who run the various mental health group homes throughout the greater Portland metropolitan area) pointed out that the guys were all wearing black T-shirts. Without even thinking I blurted out (for the benefit of everyone I might add), that I sweat like a 'fucking pig.' Silence. Um, and it's really, really hot today. Again, silence. Trying to redeem my faux-professional, counselor/supervisor image I added that a black T-shirt shows a lot less than a white T-shirt. Without even an acknowledgement, we proceeded directly to the next topic. I don't think they were at all impressed with my trite observations and inappropriate Turrete-like self-disclosures. I really need my meds man. My impulse control is at an all time low right now. I better watch my sorry ass or the next time I'll find myself dancing on the table and showing off the new pair of underpants I just purchased, later asking myself, what the hell I was thinking. Ughhhhhhh...

Anyway, listening to the radio (KPAM AM-860) today, Victor Boc made this statement:

"I don't believe homosexuality is an orientation. I prefer to think of it as sexual BEHAVIOR."

I promptly emailed him to let him know (or 'expose that for you' as he likes to say) that 'we all create our own realities' and that I felt sorry that in the year 2002 that people [like him] still honestly believe such horseshit. I really wish there was something more interesting to listen to on the radio (like I said, Portland has the WORST corporate sponsored music radio station selection in the entire fucking country). The music sucks, and the only other alternative seems to be Conservative talk radio (which just goes to show you how bad the music really must be). Why do I torture myself so? It just enivitably winds up alienating me and putting me in a bad mood. As Maggie Estep would say (thanks ): "I don't hate [people]. Just stupid [people]."

I just noticed, if my calculations are correct, that my Chuck Taylor’s are now almost ten years old. They're totally thrashed! My right big toe is totally poking out of the seams. I think my last 3 or 4 girlfriends have complained and told me they were either going to, A) throw them away when I wasn't looking or, B) buy me a new pair. I would go out and purchase a new pair but I just fucking HATE breaking in new Chuck Taylor’s. The white rubber of a new pair of canvas Converse All-Star high tops can be almost blinding. It gives me a headache just thinking about it.

- Random & Meaningless Tangent -
We had take out pizza today at the group home. If most people aren't familiar with the institutionalized mentally ill, everything is about excess and self-indulgence. Milk can only be whole milk. Everything mayo. Why have a few pieces of bacon when you can eat half a pack? Why eat two or three eggs fried in butter when you can eat eight? Fat free or low fat are bad words. Sugar and chocolate syrup on Frosted Flakes eated from an enormous mixing bowl (I wouldn't believe it either if I hadn't seen it with my own two eyes). Everything is fried (hell, I think they'd deep-fry their apples if they could). Extra butter in/on everything (even in a healthy choice like say, bean soup [I learned this one the hard way on left-overs night]). Hot dogs accompanied by cheddar cheese and ground-beef style chili. White bread, not wheat. Smoking and coffee consumption have become as common as breathing. Salt is our friend. All meals are to be followed by a plethora empty calorie, sugary food items. Fruit, what's that? Veggetables? Well, only if you pass over that barrel of butter and 10lb bag of salt. Meats must be baked or fried in butter and extra grease. Healthy eating is a foreign concept. Bringing it up has a similar effect as calling somebody's mother a very bad name (it can really essaserbate their symptomology, believe it or not). Healthy eating awareness is almost non-existent ("Bacon's not bad for you? You're kidding?"). Everybody is under the delusion that they're 5 - 10lbs over weight (reality check: two of the guys here are pushing 300lbs.). It almost makes me want to vomit. Where am I going with this? Oh yeah, I remember.

So we ordered pizza tonight because it was too fucking hot to cook today. They ordered two supreme pizzas with extra cheese. Of course they did. Last time they asked what I wanted. I guess this time they decided they didn't want another 'vegetarian pizza' (which is what they erroneously refered to my peppers and onions selection as).

So I had to pick almost everything off which took me between five and ten minutes to complete. I started with the various mounds sausage, then moved to the ample slivers of pepperoni. The Canadian bacon I decided to let slide before carefully blotting the various small puddles of a meat/cheese grease combonation with my napkin. I then weeded through half of the remaining excessive cheese. Then I went for my two least favorite things in the entire world.

Before I go any further, let me stop here for a second. Let me just be completely clear for a second. I AM NOT a picky eater [AT ALL]. And I LOVE vegetables! I really do. It's not very often that I hear people admit that (unless, of course, they're from someplace PC & 'hippie friendly' [like here]). Now, let me just say there are two items off the vegetable food chain which, more than likely will surprise you, truly make my skin crawl. I believe if I mentioned them outside of the limited context of pizza toppings that I would be far less likely to be accused of such ill-thought, spontaneous & impulsive conclusions, as being labeled a 'picky eater' (almost inevitably followed by a look of pure disbelief, predictably followed by the programmable, Pavlovian-like (is that a word?) response, "YOU DON'T LIKE, blah, blah, blah..."). Was I not clear the first time I said it?

Let me just be clear here. I have tried, I truly have tried. I have forced fed myself. I've pretended these items we're not in/on my food that I was superfluously ingesting. I have had people serve me these items without my knowlege. I've even come pretty damn near psycho-analytical hypnotism regarding this issue. But, much like the manner in which the putrid smell of burning flesh will inevitably induce involuntary stomach spasms and promptly engage the gag-reflex, I feel it prudent to confess: I CAN NOT STAND BLACK OLIVES OR MUSHROOMS!!! Okay? There. I said it.

I looked under the Canadian bacon and much to my un-suprise, I found the dreaded fungi. I quickly scraped off the vile intruders, followed by the little circular black devils.

Now, this is, in my humble opinion, where human nature begins to disintergrate and frequently becomes so fucking predictable it makes me sick. It reminds me much of they way, when I'm renting a video, the cashier will inevitably look up from my drivers licence at me and smile; "Did you know..." YES GODDAMMIT!!! YES I FUCKING KNOW!!! MY NAME IS CHRIS TUCKER!!! YES, I FUCKING KNOW THAT!!! DO YOU ACCTUALLY THINK I COULD POSSIBLY BE SO FUCKING SUBLIMELY CLUELESS AS TO HAVE POSSIBLY GONE THOUGH MY ENTIRE FUCKING LIFE AND NOT KNOWN THAT THERE WAS AN ACTOR OUT THERE (who's black I might add) WITH THE SAME FUCKING NAME AS ME? COME YOU FUCKING PEOPLE!!! THINK BEFORE YOU FUCKING SPEAK!!! My Rockstar potential has been severely damaged this. You think I don't know this? The name has already been taken. It's like, sorry. The name's taken. Next. Fucker stole me name. I am rambling again, aren't I?

Anyway, the point that I'm trying so desperately to make here is that whenever I share a pizza with somebody, I am almost inevitably categorized with, "Wow, you're a really picky eater." Really? Ya think so? Well, aren't you the fucking observant one? It just irritates the crap out of me. To me, it highly relates to the modern sickness of humanity.

What I'm talking about here is something much bigger than mere toppings on pizza and dippy video rental personal. I just get really irritated that people are so quick to come to conclusions with the VERY LIMITED information that they are presented with, regardless of the subject. It's almost like their mouths are in no way connected to their brains. Causal relationships are inevitably equated with random occurrences. Oops, a plane crashed and everybody died on it. Forget that billions upon billions of flights take off and land safely every year. The conclusion is typically the same: I will not fly, planes are not safe. We are never going to excede our current 5% brain potential at this sobering rate. It's like, people just don't engage their brains anymore. We've evolved to deductive reasoning for a purpose. We all can't just walk through life on autopilot. Well, actually, the sad thing is, we can. The modern world is a world of conviance, where we are rewarded for not thinking. We have corporations that do that for us now. They tell us what we want, who we are and who we supposed to be. But we don't have to listen. ENGAGE YOUR BRAIN is all I'm trying to say.
- End of Random & Meaningless Tangent -

I hate the fucking sun. Get that Goddamned thing out of my fucking face! I feel like I'm melting. Like I hinted to before, I can't fucking stand sweating. I don't care if it's a natural bodily function, it's fucking gross, sitting there in a pool of your own bodily secretions! If I have to sit around and listen to all the fucking automatons (presumably mostly from California or somewhere out of state) whine and complain about how much it rains here, than they'll just have to put up with my immense distaste for [them] and this fucking oppressive daily bombardment of solar radiation that we are haplessly forced to suffer though and endure each summer.

Something to be happy about today: ALL is coming to the Meow Meow on Friday, July 5th!!! :) Fucking yippie.
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