Oct 20, 2005 10:41
*Sigh* Well my mom is back in the hospital again :( She has RA (Rheumatorid Arthritis) and has had it since her late teens (most people get this between the ages of 35-45 if they develop it, its rare it happens so young). Anyway, a lot of the medications, if not all of them for RA lower your immune system and ability to fight off sickness and infection (because it affects your white blood cells which are supposed to fight those infections/illnesses off). So she was hospitalized about a week ago for low white blood cells, she was in there about a day and they let her go the next day because she wasn't having a fever. Ever since that she's been feeling sick, cold, having fevers, throwing up, and just not having any energy. So she went to her RA specialist in wexford yesterday and was in there for nearly three hours and they told her she needed to go back to the hospital and get admitted. Turns out her white cells are low, her red cells are low, and she didn't have enough blood in her body. She's been having chest pains and we found out that it is probably because her heart was having a hard time pumping what little blood she had through her body. Her heart was beating 50 times more a minute than it was supposed to :( I'm so worried about her. SHe's getting a bone marrow test done as I write this and I hope it comes back okay. Worst case scenerio is that it could be lymphomia cancer or leukemia cancer :( I pray to God that it isn't either of those. We're hoping things will be okay and she'll just have to stop taking the Embrel (which HAS a side affect of lymphomia... :|) and that things will be ok. I don't want nothing to happen to her :( I love her so much and I don't know what I would do w/o her in my life. So any of you out there who are religious, please keep my mommy in your prayers :( she really needs it right now :( She's only 42 years old :( she shouldn't have to go through this shit :( my whole life she's been sick, I just want her to make it through all of this :(
Well thats all I have to say for now, soon as I hear more I'll update :(