[day 22 || very early morning]

Sep 18, 2010 15:35

[ he doesn't say much of anything for a long while; too busy just inspecting the radio, despite knowing that he already has the button pressed. he's trying to work out just how to put his thoughts in to words. preferably ones that aren't going to panic what he already knows is a highly charged situation ]

It's already been well established that the situation here is...strange.

[ even as he says the last word, he's amused by it. it's an understatement, and that says a lot considering they're facing an apocalypse back home ]

Has anyone else here been a witness to something stranger than usual? Concerning those soldiers in particular.

[ ooc: sorry for disappearing without warning folks, but i think i'm back now. spn crew, y/n/gtfo to assuming all the guys are trolling each other in person now?

ps: mods, i hope i'm not jumping the gun with anything? D= /was just looking for a reason for him to prod strangers ]
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