[DAY 15] Morning

Aug 19, 2010 21:53

I know zhere ah some of you vith vehicles out zhere in undeadland, so I vould like to extend an offah. I recently came across two cans of gasoline, full, zat I have no use for. Anyone who needs zhem is velcome to zhem on one condition: I require one of zhose undead creatures for study. I vant one as intact as possible und still...alive, if you know vat I mean.

I am currently located in a clinic on zuh coastline of Birzebbuga. Please, do not come und try anyzhing silly, such as stealing from me. You vill find yourself strapped to an examination table instead of zuh undead. You do not vish to know vat vill happen next.

[da:o] warden cousland, [tf2] red medic, [khr] hayato gokudera, (broadcast), [i am legend] robert neville

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