[ day 13 ] afternoon

Aug 15, 2010 00:11

[The radio rustles to life around the sound of static and shuffling. The voice that follows is hurried and somewhere between anxious and angry.] Hello? Oi, is this- No, it's on. [A pause. Some tapping.] Okay. Okay.

[Louder then.]

Hey, I need directions! M'in some place called Buza-- ... Birza- bugs? [Yeah, he's mangled it. He means Birzebbuga.] I need to get to Konohagakure no Sato! In Fire Country! I dunno where the hell this is and I heard somethin' on the radio about a meet up, so that means there are people in this place who are okay and not- [Those things.]

Someone gimme directions here, I need to get the hell back home! Or- or a map? There're these ... people on my tail and I dunno what the hell they are but they're everywhere! An' nothing works! [Right, that last bit was definitely alarmed. His breath crackles, he's holding the radio too close to his mouth.] Just-

This isn't a Genjutsu right? [Almost hopeful that.] Freakin' longest Genjutsu I've ever been in if it is.

[khr] hayato gokudera, [naruto] naruto uzumaki, (broadcast), [i am legend] robert neville

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