Well when we first arrived in Cananada on Saturday
it was a crying shame cause it was snowing and we were without alcohol.
Here is Tookie, crying on the inside like a man, not like that pussy Dr. Phil.
Luckily the Canucks have invented milk that comes in a bag,
so even though we were kinda snowed in, we still had milky goodness
to help see our way through the harshness of Canadian spring.
Unfortunately we caught Tookie getting a little too “friendly” with the milk.
We had to take it away from him before he made an *ahem* mess.
After waiting out in the cold all night for the liquor stores to open
Tookie and I finally got down to some drinking.
Here is a picture of Tookie expressing his happiness.
Wow my face is red.
Kat not wanting to be a fag; is shown here drinking a shot of rum with a mike’s chaser.
Her boyfriend is shown in the background, playing poker, sober.
I will make no comments on his sexual persuasion.
Here is me touching myself inappropriately for the camera.
I’m such a whore.
After we sobered up a little, you know on like, Friday,
we decided to walk around and see what we could see.
Tookie accidentally ran into his ex.
He loves her but she’s constantly trying to kill him,
so it’s a pretty normal relationship.
Things seemed to be going pretty well though,
I think Tookie even shared some of his “Nut Milk” with her.
Well that’s all for now. I will leave you with this random shot of me drinking some Tequila.
Mmmmm Tequila… delicious.
If you like burning ass juice.