For Emily Skaja (Lauren told me I should send it to you)

Oct 20, 2004 20:28

It's to pacify the people out there that say that I don't update enough too. Assholes...

Facing the Future

Every journey begins
With but a small step.
And every day is a chance
For a new, small step
In the right direction.
Just follow your Heartsong.
-Mattie J. T. Stepanek

Enlightened Priest Giving Last Rites

Black is never empty and white is hardly ever full. Hope is a misguided dream sent down by a mass hallucination. The key to unlocking the world was always in your hand, but you can't communicate to yourself as well as you'd like. The meanings are lost in half-sewn clothes. Life has no answer. It's nothing more than a journey. Concrete reality will tell you that you can't escape past, present, or future. You're stuck on a conveyor belt that leads to whichever place you happen to feel you'd like to end up at. I hear Hell is a great way to relieve the suffering that cancer causes.
Heart strings will resonate until they rust and counter the attacks of the self and others. Piano strings can cut off limbs. Heart strings that are wound tightly can maim without a strike when a chord is played. Love rips your skeleton through your body and leaves you as nothing but Jell-O. You're left to be molded into any shape the artist pleases and when they hit you... Well, it's hard to stop shivering isn't it?
The dreamers are sleeping and those that are awake...
Dreams are the reality that you can never have. They're the dry ice hovering over the stage. You can see the machines, but you never want to recognize them for what they really are. Delusions are what you find in your heart--your innermost desires.
Money doesn't grow on trees. You'll find it decorating stars. Make a wish. Ask and you shall receive. Find your end and you'll reach the beginning.
Cerebral pulses maintain constant integrity. Trust in the synapses. Red is just a color named by insignificance. Without magical underwear, you can't fly.
Pages sheathed by foreign material leave traces of cocaine. Self-induced drugs are ready to be drunk by the public. Read a line.
Wrapped in enigmas and folded behind closed corridors, you can't find a damned thing. Flashlights don't reveal what you're searching for. Steps fall between stairs and the air is acrid again. When will you ever learn?
Death is an opportunity for reflection. Please keep your arms and legs inside the vehicle at all times. Follow the arrows to the exit. Dull blenders don't do their jobs. Keep that in mind.

This is my shitty version for the time being. Probably tomorrow or sometime soon after, I will put up a fairly decent thing.
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