Feb 14, 2000 15:49
Today has been the crapiest valentine day ever. Barely any hugs, rainy days, black clouds, bitchy kids. Stupid work and who the hell knows what my chick talked about me while she was away. Hope she ain't making up shit but I don't even know if i care. Somehow i just don't want to call her. Everytime i call her we end up in some fight. It's not worth fighting, when we used to fight before it juts pulled us apart from each other. I dunno if you all heard but we broke up once beacuase everysingle day i had something new to say to her that wasn't good. We ended up getting together the next 8 hours like around 9 pm and im all there crying (hate to say, but wont lie) and shit so w/e. Now that im back I prommised her a new me and when we got back we just still fighting while with each other. I wasted my life and time with her. Now she doesn't ever belive me and i don't know if i can help any more. I just got to move on to someone else and show em diffrently. Until then i'll try to make the best of this. I really wished we could have gotten farther but by the looks on her face it all looks like its only gonna go downhill from here. As for th e rest of the day it wasx shity. You know when you used to get those little card at least. Well thats all gone and i would get all these kisses but i bet those single people must be having the best time. Imagine those couples where the chick gets a flower from some guy other that her boyfriend and the boyfriends all pissed. Just everyones all pissed and bitchy. If you people wan't to share about your valentine day post it. I'll be glad to hear about it.