(no subject)

Jan 06, 2003 06:09

? name: Ryan
? hometown: Abertillery
? highschool: Abertillery comp...hell yeah
? current school : not in one
? work: In tesco :(
? age: 18
? family: yeah and
? screen names: Deadcell 2

? your family: i uno im undecided
? your school: not it WAS shit
? your job: hello if you had a job u would understand..who doe
? your city: well if it was a city i would
? your pets: of course
? church: NO way
? smokers: No i hate them
? drinkers: Of course
? partiers: yeah

? hip: sure
? emo: ummmmm
? indie: no
? punk: yes god dammit
? metal: no
? trendy: no way
? a good kid: always
? a rebel: yeah sure why not
? talented: hmmm well thats not for me to decide
? smart: hell yeah
? religious: no

? Colour: black
? Book: well i like "holding the zero"
? Movie: Shawshank redemption
? Time of the day: bed time
? Website: havent got one
? Company: dont have one of them either
? Store: toys r us
? Food: Mcdonalds
? Place: greece
? Smell: Nicole my baby, she smells nice
? Sound: Rain
? Animal: Doggy
? Boy name: Jordan
? Girl name: Nicole of course
? Subject: Media
? Word: Vagina
? Phrase:"your damned if you do and your damned if you dont"
? Number: 14
? Windows operating system: dont care
? Person's live/deadjournal: probs nicoles
? Childhood memory: Getting all the turtles action figures for christmas. heh heh
? Band: Greenday, R.E.M, U2 etc etc.....
? Song: Superman by goldfinger
? Underwear: Pants with bulldog on the front :)
? Outfit: *shrugs*

? Hiphop/rap: rap
? Indie/emo: indie
? Adam Sandler/Jim Carrey: Jim
? Soda/water: water
? Black/hot pink: black
? Halloween/easter: easter
? Dark/light: dark
? Night/day: night
? Anorexic/chubby: anorexic
? Pop/punk: punk
? Pop/hip hop: hiphop
? cuddling/making out: making out
? syke/riiight: riiight
? bed/floor: bed
? too much/too little: u can never hav too much!
? sXe/druggie: druggie
? drink/smoke: drink
? party/kickback: party

? Outfit: black shirt ,black jeans
? Drinking: tea
? Eating: nothing
? Position: sitting
? Music: nothing
? Favorite person: Nicole
? How many im's going: none
? Who's with you: no-one
? Are you in love: yeah i am with nicole
? Are you in like: yeah.
? Are you single: no
? Mood: v.tired
? Caught up or way behind: way behind
? Horny: im always horny what kind of question is that
? Miss anybody: yep
? Loathe anybody: i loathe everyone
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