God Damn!!!!!

Sep 29, 2002 06:16

I hate my life, i just realised.....it sucks all the time...always choices with no resolve, why is that???(anyone know), its a vicious circle and i hate.

Im so depressed right now i hate myself and for that matter nicole hates me too, not really a change there i think she has always hated me but what can i do.....i always fuck things up between us i think ,or it might be the way i think about things....god i dont know...if anyones got any good advice for me please let me know it would be very much appreciated.

Had a shitty week , i hate work, same old routine, i gotta get out of this so called life and make it matter.....anywaysenough of that shit .....i think im gonna have fun for once in my life instead of being a boring twat....bye bye
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