(no subject)

Jun 28, 2004 13:30

Last night..

I supposedly wasn't supposed to leave the house yesterday because I didn't get 3 loads of laundry done and clean the bathroom so I was grounded untill I did ALL the laundry and cleaned the bathroom ANNDD the living room.

Well you know me... Dad goes to work then I do whatever the fuck I want. So. I took a shower and then went with Jason. Now, Jason is cool but he is kinda weird. Sometimes I feel like I am gonna be raped or something. Even though I know I'm not it feels weird driving around with some dude that is like 10 years older than my dad. Anyway. I had my "MUG" (Vanilla Bacardi & MUG Rootbeer) from the night before so I brought that along and Jason had 3 quarters worth of Mary Jane.

So were headed to Springfield to hang out and have some fun. I also wanted him to show me some cool hang out spots. So we drove around Springfield and checked out some really cool places. I now have the info and the "down" on Springfield. Out of all the places we went the square was the coolest. You have to go on certain nights though or they will be infested with drunks. So far as I know Sunday night is when all the goths and peeps who play Vampire come out. It was great.

After that I wanted to get fucked up. We went over to Chris's house. I went up and knocked on the door and no one answerd. I thought he might have gone to get some ciggys so I told Jason to cruise around and then we will go back. So we did and the second time I went to knock on the door no one answerd. So I was like "WHAT THE FUCK!!!" Where in the hell is he. I tried the door and it was open. So I went in and looked around and ya he was in his bedroom asleep. So I spent 20 minutes BANGING on his beedroom door yelling profantities such as: GOD DAMNIT CHRIS GET THE FUCK OUT OF BED YOU LAZY ASS HOLE!!!!! But still nothing. So I popped the panel out of the door and reached in and unlocked it. There he was all happy and asleep. MOTHERFUCKER. So I was like hey get up for a sec. Here is your hat and I was wondering if you wanted to smoke some pot with us. He was like what the fuck. Ya know I had given him that I don't do drug shit and he was freaked out. (Keep in mind I was already a little tipsy and a lil stoned too! & that I hadn't talked to him in a week) So he got up and got dressed and Jason Chris and I headed to the back to do a little dooty. Well ya BLAH BLAH BLAH a lot of pot goes by. Then we all go in and sit down. and then blah blah blah some more time goes by. SOMEHOW I sent Jason to like REPUBLIC to get some papers and Chris and I ya know ... ya ... not like ya know... but YA... Ya know!! If ya know what I mean.. He's pretty good at makin out.. I suppose... Better than like Josh, Jhonny, Ben, Eddie... I guess that makes him the best.. anyway. I hadn't said a thing a bout him not calling me then I gave him the BIGGEST guilt trip ever!!! HAHA... I love me.. Anyways. So Jason comes back and we get stoned some more and by this time I had drank that WHOLE "MUG" by myself. so ya. To make a long story short it came time to leave and I told jason I would be in the car in a sec and for him to meet me there. So we talked and stuff and I finally put my foot down and said BLAH BLAH BLAH your not getting any untill you get a car... and then jason came back and was like what the fuck. so I got my shit and was gonna leave then I had to run back in because I supposedly forgot my CD. So I ran back in there and ya some more of ya know. and then I left. and I ended up leaving him with an astonished look. In all conclusion of the story:

1 I show up.
2 Smoke tonssss of pot with him.
3 Give him enough to drink that he's a lil tipsy
(we also had jack daniles but i didn't drink any)
4 Make him want me more than before
5 Give him a horrible guilt trip
6 Make him want me More than before
7 Then just leave like it never happend and with my last thing said


I had a lot of fun last night I wish yall woulda been there. It was crazy. We need to go to springfield next sunday. Party with the vampires. HEH it'll be great.

I love you guys!!
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