jump pogo pogo pogo pogo bounce pogo pogo pogo pogo up pogo pogo pogo pogo down pogo pogo pogo pogo

Jul 21, 2004 00:00

so earlier today, my mom was all like "do you want to do anything for spring break?" totally out of the blue. she's like, of course, we'll be tagging along but we'll stay out of your way. erg, the fam. but hey, anyone want to do anything? if we were really ambitious and willing, i say we could even pull of a trip to london or something, or ireland...eh? that would be so amazing, but probably too much for me to afford, seeing le college is coming up next year. crazy, i don't know.
i miss ann.
ooh colons.
sorry i posted all that stuff about my sister, but hey, i had to say it.
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