
Oct 31, 2008 09:39

I am so brokenhearted.

There is no more HomeGrown. KZSC took it away because my guest this past Monday violated FCC regulations:
1. Cussed
2. Commented on an Underwriter
3. I "sloppily" read the disclaimer
4. Chanted "No on 8"
5. I violated the guest policy

Not only did they take away HomeGrown. I have lost my job as the Radio Broadcasting Instructor and have been banned from the station until February 1.

KZSC was the thing that kept me from going home freshman year. KZSC has been the first and only hobby I have ever found that was good for me...I have never committed to anything like I did KZSC. I put my heart and soul, sacrificed money and time and gave everything to KZSC. HomeGrown revolutionized the community, bringing local music to a new plateau and making "dreams come true." HomeGrown served a position in the community that no other show can even come near to representing.

First my major, and now the only thing that made me feel alive.

I guess its about time I reconsider what I am doing with my life. I want to go home so bad.

Goodbye HomeGrown. Goodbye local music.

If you would like to give feedback or have any input about what losin​g the show means​ to you as a band or commu​nity membe​r that you would​ like to have submi​tted to KZSC on behal​f of HomeG​rown pleas​e do so here.

PS. DId I mention that losing my teaching job stops me from graduating in June? Yep. The best decision KZSC ever made. They dont even know what they are DOING.
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