I've been denied all the best...

Sep 28, 2005 11:46

Day two.
No smokes.
Oh yeah.
I think I have Leukemia.
Maybe Hodgekins?
Something horrible.
I'm certain that I'm dying.
Certain as ever.
The glands on my neck are swollen to the size of my fists
Preventing me from smoking.
Or getting high for that matter.
Plus, the bruise on my knee.
My WHOLE knee.
Which unexplainably appeared two days ago.
Black. Purple. Blue.
"Swollen Glands," the doc said.
"Take these."
Fucking Ammoxocillin.
Makes my pee smell.
Will, no doubt, give me a yeast infection.
Hasn't helped my throat.
Right now, I may rip my eyes out.
My heart?
My throat?
(Ha! Easy with a spoon?)
I'm weak as fuck.
Couldn't do it.
But I might muster up enough strength
to press a cigarette against my lips.
Add a little fire, scarecrow.
Bliss, or hell?
We'll see.
It's not going to make me feel WORSE.
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