calling spec poets of color!

Oct 19, 2011 15:28

(Also posted to foc_u; sorry for overlap).

...A little orc horde help?

I'm co-editor of Stone Telling, a literary/speculative poetry zine dedicated to boundary-crossing and multi-perspective poetry. Nearly half the poems in our last few issues have been by poets of color; we're pretty pleased with this, though we can always do better.

Our next issue is focused on science and science fiction poetry -- part of why is to counter this prevalent notion that science fiction is necessarily dominated by straight white able cis folks.

...And guess what's in the inbox? Plenty of subs from straight white able cis folks. Very little, if anything, from poets of color, queer poets, poets with disabilities... and of course if we don't get the submissions, that limits what we can publish.

So! Help? If you are a poet, please please consider sending us something. We have a very broad definition of science and science fiction. We're open to subs this round till November 27, and our general guidelines are here

If you know poets, please consider signal boosting.

And thanks so much.
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