Reposting a Remyth: These are the Ghosts of the Heroes I never had

Jul 19, 2009 01:16

All this Avatar bullshit just brings me back to what I said when it started: These are the Ghosts of the Heroes I never had.

Kwai Chang Caine.

I was 6 or 7 when I first heard of you. I'm sorry I couldn't tell the ghosts had already taken you, but I also thought my dad was black, so I think you'll forgive me. I know you were half chinese, like me, and you were a perpetual foreigner, like me, and you lived in America, like me. I often felt like I'd wander like you, and I hope they don't put a ghost in my place as well.

Iron Fist.

Maybe they thought if they put a mask over the white guy we wouldn't see. But he took it off all the time to remind us that you were gone and a ghost was in your place. CoIntelPro must have somehow brainwashed Luke, because he didn't notice the difference, at least consciously. He fought a lot with the ghost, so I think he knew, deep down, it wasn't you. I like to hope that you made it back to KunLun and kicked it with the dragons.

Snake Eyes.

Unlike Iron Fist, they had enough sense to keep the mask on this one most of the time. I wish you got a chance to avenge your whole clan from this ghost that took over. They all rocked hexagrams from the I-Ching and got to star in dope issues with no dialogue. Every boy wanted to be you, because you weren't annoying like Quickkick.


I know they say the ghost has some of your DNA, but they couldn't fool me. I knew it was a fake when he said, "I know Kung Fu" but really broke his neck while filming. After all, it took a lot of special effects to get him to compete with Lawrence Fishburne. They wanted Jet Li to work with you, but they wouldn't pay him enough to keep quiet about the ghost and got Collin Chou instead. We only watched the movie because we thought the ghost was a robot.


I thought they'd never get you. Sure, you looked mighty ghost like when you went Super Saiyan, but I was ok with that because you always turned back to normal when you were done. I think they just couldn't deal with the thought of you being a superman from outerspace saving the planet. And you were so much more awesome than Supeman. You stayed popular for 20 years, but I guess, like everything, they're not happy unless they can claim credit for it all.


They're trying to get you too. I suspect they'll do it, because, even if you are the Avatar, they have no elements, no heart, no spirit. That's why they have to keep stealing ours. Our stories and heroes are about mastering ourselves, but they can't see such a story unless they master someone else.

That's why they're ghosts.

avatar, aang aint white, race and representation

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