Russell T Davies "jokes" about Hitler

Dec 25, 2007 14:05

According to the Daily Post (local news), Doctor Who head writer Russell T Davies "joked" about the Doctor being played by Hitler, at a preview screening of this year's Christmas special Voyage of the Damned. The Daily Star (casting spoilers & NSFW, national newspaper, tabloid) is also reporting the story. The Star isn't a wholly reliable news source and I don't know about the Daily Post so I'm awaiting further confirmation.

Dec 24 2007 by David Powell, Daily Post

DOCTOR Who boss Russell T Davies has created a storm after suggesting Adolf Hitler could be a timelord.

The producer and writer, 44, from Swansea shocked fans when he spoke after a preview screening of Dr Who’s Christmas special Doctor Who: Voyage of the Damned.

The answer was meant to be a joke which did make some guests laugh.

Asked who from the past would he would most have liked to play the role, he replied: “Hitler. He was stern and strong. He would be great.”

But others were horrified and thought the jokey comments were in bad taste.

One disgusted fan said: “Hitler carried out some of the world’s worst atrocities. He ordered the killing of millions of innocent people. I don’t want my kids thinking Hitler and Doctor Who are in any way the same.”

The current Doctor Who David Tennant seemed slightly stunned by Russell’s answer.

When he was asked the same question he seemed almost speechless as he declined to answer.

ETA: Apparently, RTD did say it and he said it in front of a roomful of journalists (casting spoilers, Guardian, national newspaper's tv blog):

'Thirdly, when asked who, living or dead, Russell would like to see as the Doctor, he replied "Hitler". All the tabloid journalists in the room pricked up their ears while BBC publicists tightened their sphincters.'

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