The Doctor Who Fan's Phrasebook

Jul 09, 2007 12:51

At his blog, "From the North...," Keith Topping put together "The Doctor Who Fan's Phrasebook," which is brilliantly funny (and full of Season Three spoliers, as it comes from the UK)! And includes these entries:

Under the heading, Politics and Doctor Who:

“I'm really not sure I like the idea of a black companion. Not that I'm racist, of course. God, no - the first record I ever bought was a Bob Marley single.”
Bloody hell, darkie postman, darkie centre forwards, darkie Doctor Who companions... where the Hell's it all gonna end? Mother, have you finished ironing my hood, yet? I'm supposed to be meeting that lads in half an hour for a lynching.

Under the heading, Russell T. Davis:

"What's with RTD and the constant TOKENISM in Doctor Who? They should do some RESEARCH!!!"
I'm complaining chiefly about the fact that a black person was cast as an extra in scenes set in Elizabethan England or 18th Century France. This is clearly unrealistic because everyone knows that everyone in Europe at that time was Caucasian white. Obviously. Also obviously, I am claiming this without having carried out any research of my own into the subject. Research that would have proven me completely wrong. Please return me to the 1970s where I was far happier watching Love Thy Neighbour, Alf Garnett and Bernard Manning.

doctor who

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