I'm working with
veejane to write a FAQ for Clueless Well-Meaning White People (TM) for
Intl. Blog Against Racism Week, Take 2 so hopefully people can link there instead of having to say the same thing, over and over and over.
So I was wondering... what questions do you get that piss you off the most? Or make your eyes roll forever?
Off the top of my head, I had:
- But you don't look [insert race]!
- But aren't POC racist too? OR What about reverse racism?
- Is it bad to just like the white male character?
- Does this mean I should never write outside my race?
- Why is it insulting to say you think of someone as white?
- [in response to talk of racism in TV/books/movies/etc] Shouldn't you be speaking out about something more important, like women in Afghanistan?
- Shouldn't we be colorblind instead? (wow, ok, my blood pressure just went up and I was only typing that)
and Vee had:
- My ancestors were oppressed!
- I was the only kid in my class who had freckles. I know what being different is like.
- What is privilege? Why can't I see it?
- Please explain to me the scientific nature of the ghetto pass and the gold star.
- I tried to ask [ethnicity] to explain her whole culture to me, and she said she was too busy.
- But I'm anti-racist already! I want to talk!
ETA: I can't believe I left this one off...
- Can I touch your hair?