not quite scifi, but.

May 11, 2007 12:19

pam_noles_blogpoints out that bury my heart at wounded knee has been adapted for a tv movie. and also points out the following quote about how this adaptation was made:

But the fact that Mr. Brown’s work has been translated into 17 languages and has sold five million copies around the world was not enough to convince HBO that a film version would draw a sizable mainstream audience. When the channel broadcasts its two-hour adaptation of the book, beginning Memorial Day weekend, at its center will be a new character: a man who was part Sioux, was educated at an Ivy League college and married a white woman.

“Everyone felt very strongly that we needed a white character or a part-white, part-Indian character to carry a contemporary white audience through this project,” Daniel Giat, the writer who adapted the book for HBO Films, told a group of television writers earlier this year.

her post here.

original nyt article here.


ndnz, hollywood, casting

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