Feb 04, 2009 21:01
"They understand of course, they agree, they may even feel it so too, but only with words, only with words, yes that is it- they feel it, but always with only half of themselves, the rest of their being is taken up with other things, they are so divided in themselves that none feels it with his whole essence; I cannot even say myself exactly what I mean." (All Quiet on the Western Front, Remarque)
This means much more in context but its pretty much what I am always feeling. Today it is especially bad. I cant live in this house where this man is constantly mistreating my mother, and we all just sit there. I try to tell people and they just say its between them but it's really not this is my mother and I can't just sit here and watch it. No one understands why I come to school crying they try to but they just cant. I had a dream last night about a war that was all from the point of view of a match that could move by itself. It wasn't really like a match I guess, anyways it was in the water and there were all these ships and the match looks up and sees that there is dynamite covering all the ships and sails. I guess some one lit other matches and lit the dynamite the matches fly into the water and the match (my narrator) watches the other matches burn. He watches their faces burn.
That was probably really confusing.
I really miss him. but its just like the quote no one can get it.