#001: You're the only one I wanna touch; a Nick Wheeler & Tyson Ritter picspam.

Jul 14, 2009 08:29

You're the only one I wanna touch;
a Nick Wheeler & Tyson Ritter picspam.
Or how I will show you in 4 parts why we can assume that Nick Wheeler & Tyson Ritter are a couple.

i. EVENTS > Where I shall demonstrate how weirdly affectionate they can get.
By weirdly, I mean that if we start this based on the fact that they are ~~~friends~~~, then they are *weirdly* affectionate friends.

Tyson can get a little ~too friendly & touch (or get touched by) other band members. It's okay because they're shareble anyway. But when Tyson does that, Nick gets all *sad puppy*. So he casually put his arm around Tyson shoulder. That's his way to say "GET YOUR HANDS OFF OF CHRIS RIGHT NOW". & that look means "BACK OFF BITCHES". Obviously.

They kind of light up when they're next to each other (Note theirs heads & their hands).

Sometimes Nick is far away (you know, when he's mad at Tyson for grabing other guys' genitals) & Tyson has to make sure he is reachable so he can apologize. Or so he can promise dirty sex as soon as they'll get back home.

OIC YOUR HAND TYSON. I think Nick would like it a *little* lower. JS.

ii. LIVES > Where the foreplay happens.
When they play, sometimes they forget that there is a crowd full of people just in front of them. We, on the other hand, can hardly forget that they are totally nuzzling in front of us. They have 4 phases.

1. It goes from casual rapprochement...

2. ...to leaning *slightly* towards each other...

3. to cuddling on stage.

4. To... foreplay (also known as "I like to lick your guitar to turn you on")

iii. SHOOT > Where I shall convince you.

Fancy hairstyles, guys. That's called "bed hair after a wild night". True story.

These speak for themselves. Seriously. Either you see it or you're in denial.

iv. CONCLUSION > Thus, they are in love.

No need for fancy pic in this part, all the proofs are above.

pairing: (aar) nick/tyson, music: the all-american rejects, *wildpages

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