#006 Rendez-Vous - Alias Picspam - Part. 2

May 28, 2010 01:49

1x11; The Confession

Sydney: SD-6 has no idea I was gone, the C.I.A. has Hassan, and my dad's okay. So, thank you.
Vaughn: I didn't do anything.
Sydney: You got me into Cuba.

Vaughn: No, you don't know because you're not thinking about them, you're only thinking about yourself! You made a connection with your father for the first time in your life and turning him in would mean sacrificing that. I understand. But Sydney, we have proof. We know who the victims are. You're holding them in your hands and we know who the killer was and we both know the right thing to do.
Sydney: Yes, my father probably got those orders from the books and yes, it looks like my father was responsible for those deaths but what youre asking me to do... I just need some time. Not a lot of time. Not forever. Just... please. You wont do anything about this without me?

Vaughn: I'm only telling you this because I thought I owed you that much. For some reason.

Vaughn: You're amazing.
Sydney: I am not amazing.
Vaughn: You did a great job.

1x12; The Box (1)

Sydney: Vaughn, I just wanted to say... that I'm so sorry.

1x14; The Coup

Vaughn: Are you okay?
Sydney: It's nothing. I'm just a little bruised.
Vaughn: Oh. You can't really tell.
Sydney: That's because I'm wearing, like, a pound of cover-up.

Vaughn: Yeah. Last week, when you talked about quitting SD-6--
Sydney: I was being naive.
Vaughn: No, but, um, what you said about wanting to go to a hockey game... wanting me to be part of your life... I, uh, I think I wasn't clear about something. That it would be nice to be in public with you, to actually get to look at you. Grab a pizza or go to a hockey game. I-I just... I wasn't clear that I would really like that, too. (Pause. Vaughn smiles shyly) Good luck in Russia.

1x15; Page 47

Vaughn: I've... I've got this aunt. Um, Aunt Trish. She's the insane one in the family. She, uh, speaks to the dead, she does the readings, she's a crop circle worshipper.
Sydney: (big goofy smile) Aunt Trish.

Sydney: This is a bug?
Vaughn: It's good, huh? You should see the guys who make it, it's like they've never seen sunlight.
Sydney: You should meet Marshall.
Vaughn: You said Emily invited you and a friend.
Sydney: Mm-hmm.
Vaughn: You taking anyone?

Vaughn: You look really pretty.
Sydney: Thank you.

Sydney: Okay, so you're acting really freaky.
Vaughn: I have the page with me and I'd like you to see it.

1x16; The Prophecy

Vaughn: DSR partially decoded text from that page.
Sydney: And? What did it say?
Vaughn: Well, they didn't tell me, but apparently Rambaldi refers to future dates indicating this woman is still alive. The DSR is referring to this text by name. They're calling it "The Prophecy."

Sydney: I called you because I need a parnter for this op. Someone I can trust.
Vaughn: We'd have to fly out separately, undercover...
Sydney: Different airports in Italy.
Vaughn: Meet up in Rome.
Sydney: We'd have to leave tonight. You in?
Vaughn: Yeah. I'll break into the Vatican with you.

1x18; Masquerade

Vaughn: Sydney, I know you need help but this time... I just don't have it to give. I'm sorry.

Sydney: We met when I was a trainee. We actually dated for a while.
Vaughn: Really.
Sydney: We kept it under the radar. SD-6 discourages, you know, fraternization among agents.
Vaughn: So does the CIA.

1x19; Snowman

Vaughn: Hey, um, so the, uh, the operation went all right in Arkhangelsk with Noah?
Sydney: Yeah.
Vaughn: Good.

Vaughn: There shouldn't be a counter mission! When you realized that Calder was really KGB, you should've come to me!
Sydney: Did you just think that this was an accident, that I just wasn't thinking?
Vaughn: I don't know what the hell you were thinking!

Vaughn: Syd, I know how important it is for you to find your mother and I'll help you however I can.
Sydney: Thanks.
Vaughn: Sydney, you can talk to me. Off the record.
Sydney: I'm all right.

1x20; The Solution

Sydney: I killed a man... someone I cared about.
Vaughn: Noah Hicks was an assassin. If you hadn't killed him, he would have killed you.
Vaughn: Take care of yourself.
Sydney: Thanks...

Sydney: You'll deal with the op tech.
Vaughn: I'll take care of it.
Sydney: I have to stop by the hospital. Emily. She's not doing well.
Vaughn: Yeah, she's sick from the chemo. We heard that from the bug in Sloane's study. I'm sorry.
Sydney: Yeah. Thanks.

Vaughn: I take it you've seen the news?
Sydney: It's sort of perfect, right?
Vaughn: So far, so good.

1x21; Rendez-Vous

Sydney: No, I do not. Vaughn... what's going on?
Vaughn: Nothing. Do you have any questions?
Sydney: Yes. I want to know what's going on with you. You're acting not like yourself.
Vaughn: I'm fine. But I should go. Good luck.
Sydney: Thanks...

Sydney: He is my friend. He is, like, one of my best friends.
Vaughn: I understand that.
Sydney: No, you don't. You get to tell your friends that you work for the CIA while I go home and look desperately for a tiny moment that I can be honest with anyone about anything. Now that Will knows the truth... he's never going to trust me again. You should have seen his face in Paris. It was like he was looking at a stranger.
Vaughn: But he wasn't. He was looking at you. Maybe for the first time. He was looking at you.

1x22; Almost Thirty Years

Sydney: Vaughn.
Vaughn: What's going on?
Sydney: What do you mean?

Sydney: Hi. How did you find me?
Vaughn: You told me a couple of months ago that when you feel the need to disappear, you go to the observatory. But the observatory was closed. And then I remembered you said the pier calms you down. But you weren't there. And you weren't at the bluffs and the palisades, either.
Sydney: You didn't really go to all those places.
Vaughn: Yeah, I did. And then I remembered you liked the train station, too. Normal people going to their normal jobs.
Sydney: I can't believe you remember that.
Vaughn: If you're doing what I think you're doing, I'm in if you need me.


+ Picspam made for jjverse. JOIN!
+ Caps are from here. I spend hours on this so please, do not re-use, alter or hotlink.
+ Transcript found here
+ Enjoy♥

.jjverse, type: tv shows, tv: alias, *wildpages, pairing: (alias) vaughn/sydney

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