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pnr January 28 2011, 15:17:10 UTC
I usually just put blocks in rows... I like it. But then with the addiiton of soft edges and a frame making it feel a wee bit more "worked" (and of course, some seirous colouring)

Oh yes, there are many ways to do it I think including feathering and stuff. But I never got it to work either.
Do you use Photoshop? What I do is merge all the layers with caps + bakground (nowadays I tend to do it with the colouring as well, cause I know what will happen when I soften and if I'm happy with everything else I can just as well do it on the big thing.) Or rather, make a new layer on which you merge them all (I think it's uhm, ctrl + shift + E? Or maybe alt osmewhere... err yeah. You know what I mean?) And then you use "Blur". I think My setting is somewhere around 60% and I use a soft masking brush from some random brush set I have. But a regular soft round one should work just fine. Mine is just automatically on my weird brush *laugh* ... Maybe I should actually try another brush to make it more contained.... *laugh*

But yes, that's it. Was it very confusing or is it all crystal clear now?


kungfuwaynewho January 28 2011, 17:31:05 UTC
Ah, okay. Yeah, I use Photoshop. It hadn't occurred to me to use a brush to blur things - I will definitely try that when I get home. (And it was totally clear - no worries.)

I have this whole folder of amazing things I've saved off various tumblrs, and I open them up and try to copy them, to see if I can figure out how to do it. (With different caps, and colors, obviously; I just try to mimic the style or certain effects.) I find I learn more that way than just following tutorials, but if I cannot figure out what someone did I like to ask - so thanks!


pnr January 28 2011, 18:43:27 UTC
Yeah, you use the tool that looks like a water drop (same button in the toolbox as the triangle for Sharpen and the finger for Smudge... in case you don't know where to find it)
It's a very good tool for smoothening skin or pixely backgrounds. When you work with screencaps and colouring them and such you often end up with skin looking weird and slightly pixely (cause you want lines to be sharp and whatnot).

That's a very good thing to do!
If you need my help with anything I've made, of if you have other Photoshop questions you can always ask me. Hopefully I'll be able to answer. I can probably see what people might've done to things on Tumblr... except for colouring. Cause that could be so much and depend son the original pic and such. But yeah, just fire questions at me if you want ^


kungfuwaynewho January 28 2011, 21:20:29 UTC
You know, I find that when I see something that looks really cool, I automatically assume that it must have been difficult. I don't think, oh, the blur tool, durr. Sometimes it's the really simple stuff that gets you!

I've given up on ever trying to color the way other people seem to color; I remember reading tutorials with like twenty different flood fill layers set to this and that, and selective coloring, and all that - and just being like, um...how 'bout no.

I do have another Photoshop question - I've been reading tutorials for two days and I still can't figure it out. So, I have a saved action, and I want to apply it to an entire folder of caps. I open up the batch recording thing, and find my folders to take from and save to. But when I go to batch edit, the prompts come up for me to save each and every file. Which is kind of a pain for 200+ caps! Do you have any idea what I'm doing wrong? Because I cannot figure out how to get it to save automatically. TIA. :D


pnr January 28 2011, 21:36:03 UTC
I know! Usually it isn't XD I experimented a lot with the blurring thing before relaising using the right brush and high blur % was enough. I didn't need to like... smudge it first and shit.
Also, I am working on my last picspam for the scifiland multimedia bingo right now and just finished blurring... I tried using a regular round soft brush. Not as good. You might want something more fuzzy.

You know what I do... I follow a tut, then I save the psd, then I just drag and drop and make some minor modifications (usually just removing layers or adding one flood layer or curves or changing opacity) I've mixed tuts and stuff... so now I have a few trusted colourings at hand XD

Oh soryr, I have no idea. I never work with batches and almost never with actions.


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