019 :: soft & cosy - Olivia's knitted hat

Jan 19, 2011 20:28

Made for the multimedia bingo at scifiland, prompt was cold.

This doesn't really have any emotion, but Olivia in her black knitted hat was requested by naushika (thank you for providing me with episodes to look for it in)
and that wish was seconded by janie_tangerine. So how could I refuse? XD

Do not repost elsewhere.
If you want this (or part of it) to be on tumblr, tell me and I will post it to my own tumblr for you to reblog.
Do not use for icons. Request icons to be made by me instead.
Resources: FringeFiles

Join scifiland and request teamsidekick!

*pnr, .scifiland, type: tv shows, tv: fringe, ~pocket

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