#012 Doctor Who: River Song

Aug 11, 2010 23:52

This is for scifiland multi-media bingo card: a character you hated but now love.
Or how, to me, she went from "that annoying chick" to "OMG BAMF!". I never really hated her, I just strongly disliked her relationship with the Doctor (whatever the relationship is) (SPOILERS!). But I really like how they handled her character in season 5. And really, she's badass.

"Pretty Boy, you're with me. Step into my office. / Pretty Boy, with me I said."

"I'm River Song. Check your records again."

+ picspam made for teamsidekick @ scifiland
+ caps from here
+ DO NOT re-use/alter/hotlink.
+ enjoy♥

.scifiland, type: tv shows, ~pocket, tv: doctor who, *wildpages

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