Oct 24, 2005 18:19
Went to the doc today. They said I strained a ligament in my knee, nothing major. Should take 3 weeks to heal.
So, I'm at home with ice strapped to my knee and Tylenol rotting out my stomach lining.
hip-hop hooray.
It was worth it.
Had to cancel my show for The Last Vegas. I couldn't find a venue. Luckily their promoter (Greg, the drummer from Bible of the Devil) got 'em a show in Laramie, WY that night, so I don't feel like total shit.
My acoustic band, Stop The Presses, is supposed to play with the Vampire Lezbos on November 9th (the night I turn 32). Should be a good time. Mike has the idea for us to record in the Galena Mine at midnight at some point. I'm all for it, but I think we should practice and learn our songs so they sound okay recorded.
I'll be working on some new Corundum songs in the meantime. Josh and Tyler and Sarah are coming over, and we're starting a new band. NO idea what direction we're gonna head, but it should be fun. The plan is that this band will actually have a message, and not be dumb (in a fun way) like most of my previous bands.