damn you to hevan margot!

Jun 06, 2005 22:56

I've been tagged! List your current six favorite songs, then pick six other people that have to do the same.

God, this was hard. 6 songs is nothing, use them wisely...

1. Hold on- Good Charolette
2. Ohio is for Lover- Hawthorine Hights
3. Good Riddence- Green Day
4. Be Good- dont know who its by but i do know its an evil song...
5. God Blessed the Broken Road- Rascal Flatts
6. Pickin Wild Flowers- Keith Anderson

Damn...that was hard...

And here are the lucky victoms...

Heather ((when she gets her comp back...if ever...))
and...**drum roll please**
...anyone else who wants to do it...


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