Mar 02, 2008 08:28
This might be slightly strange from me.. a swimming analogy. When I was a kid i remember making whirlpools in my aunt's pool. we would keep going in circles and eventually you would end up starting a strong pull. Thats kinda how I feel now. I have everything in my life a ertain way and i'm turning around and breaking the current. But I'm also kinda scared. I don't want to end up in someone else's whirlpool either. I don't wanna go to school.. come out poor and get a job and spend forever paying off school. i don't want to fall in love get married have kids then realize we never loved each other and were scared o be alone. I want to make my own current. I want people to try and look at the world my look at love and life and relationships my way. I really only have one fear as far as that is concerned. What if I'm wrong? Mainly in the love aspect. What if am so dead wrong it bites me in the ass later? I always said I would be happy as long as I make the ones I care about happy. I can go home alone if I manage to hook two people I are about up. I'm fie with being a backup..fallback..second string. But, me being me of course, I always question myself and have to pick at everything. And now i have finally mde it home, so I suppose I'll end this introspective garbage here.