Apr 13, 2011 00:18
Hello there!
I came home from Malaysia yesterday night and I got to say that it was one of the best holidays I've ever had in M'sia.
I got to eat at Carl's Jr,Arab Restaurant and A&W!
I wanted to eat Subway though but didn't have the time):
Oh yeah then, on Sunday the 10th of April...guess where I went?
I went there with my cousin,Izza. We arrived at PWTC around 3.15pm and queued till 6.00pm.
At 6pm, we had to let the security guard check our bags. People were pushing and a damn Frappe spilled on my shoe -_-.
Everything happened so fast...before me & my cousin knew it we were running for our lives.
After the security check thingy, we had to run up to another level and queue to enter.
Idk how but we managed to squeeze in and when we entered the hall, we found ourselves standing at the 3rd row.
I was so happy that we were close to the stage!
Then, I looked at my phone's clock : 7.00PM
1 more hour to go.
We waited and waited.
Then around 8.15PM there was this Malaysian artist who did the opening.
And then after that we waited.AGAIN.
It was freaking difficult to breathe especially when the crowd at the back started pushing.
I was so glad I wore my Creepers!
Because someone stepped on my foot, but I didn't feel any pain.
I'm not sure if I stepped on anybody though.
After all that waiting BRUNO MARS appeared.
I really felt like I was dreaming >w<
When he sang 'Just the way you are' he stood in front of our area and sang it to the crowd around my area.
YAY! I'm so happy.
Aside from the fact that there were a lot of pushing (& surging) I did have fun.
I recorded some of the performance but you can barely hear his voice in my videos because the crowd was singing along.LOUDLY.
However, during the concert I could hear him loud & clear which is a good thing
because I pay to hear him sing live & not hear the Malaysian crowd >.<
His concert ended around 10.20PM if I'm not wrong.
And just like that it was over.
Oh did I mention that the last meal we ate and the last drink we had was like what...at 2PM.
So we were starving and we really needed a drink.
Luckily there was a drink stall. The soft can drink cos 4RM ~_~
Anyway after the concert, my guy cousins (Izza's 3 brothers) came to pick us up.
And we went to A&W to eat!
I'm so happy!
bruno mars,