Jun 08, 2005 23:10
that's the sum of my 12 days in Clearwater and my first full day back at SNAC. Clearwater is a town of a whopping 70 farm people in south-western manitoba where i went to take a permaculture course. The local library, open twice a week for 5 hours, is in the next town over called Pilot Mound. Crystal City is where we went for booze on the days we skipped lunch in order to get to the LC before it closed at 5pm.. what crazy small town antics!
I learned so much out there: how to identify pussy toes, more about prairie plants, how to built a straw bale house (in theory), how to design gardens in a way that maximizes efficiency.. i even ate some organic beef produced locally in clearwater! That's a big step for me. And i met so many people who i feel will be strong connections in the future. each person brought so much knowledge to the group in their own strange way. my special touch was getting everyone into drinking, picking and even eating stinging nettles. wicked. (note to west coasters- prairie stinging nettles are known for their gentleness. don't go eating west coast nettles w/o researching it first!)
Back at snac i got to see my garden(s) again from a different, permaculture perspective. and i was so happy to get back in the mud... why didn't i discover my love of gardening earlier in life?? the mosquitoes bit me everywhere possible today, damn those things bug me. haha, bug. ;p And i got to milk the goats. heheh, one of these days i'm going to squeeze the milk straight from the teat right into my mouth. ha! i can just imagine Halva kicking me in the face if i tried.. Mmm, milk 'n manure. delish!
so right now my goals are 1-learn how to make cheese 2-learn the names of more prairie perennials & 3-milk the goats with two hands at once! hehe, i'm such a farm freak now.
also i figure that i'll be wwoofing (world wide opportunities on organic farms) around europe come september. who needs a stupid bachelor of arts degree anyway?! (my grandma will be oh, so dissapointed)
one last note to end by: my hair do has changed dramatically... (i'm sucha badass now!) i love it and i'll send photos apon request once i've figured out how to get this mac to love me.
goodnight and happy herbal dreams.